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README file from "opengl" directory

           ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/opengl/stereo README

     This directory contains four OpenGL/Motif programs: 
     boilerplate.c                   Basic X-Motif initialization routines 
     clip.c                          clip demo with Motif Wrapper
     simple_stereo.c                 Soft stereo example
     simple_stereo_re.c              Quadbuffer Stereo example
     Each of these routines (clip, simple_stereo and simple_stereo_re) use
     the Initialization routines found in the boilerplate.c file.  The
     boilerplate demo creates a toplevel widget, then creates a 
     GLwMDrawingArea in the toplevel widget, then clears the drawing area 
     to black.
     The clip program is the clip demo found in the "OpenGL Programming 
     Guide," p. 108, except it is drawn in a GLwMDrawingArea widget using 
     the Motif library calls.  This demo draws a sphere and uses clipping 
     planes to clip out portions of the sphere.
     The simple stereo routines (simple_stereo and simple_stereo_re) draw 
     a cluster of 6 spheres using the gluSphere library.  The spheres are 
     lit using a single light and the surface of the sphere is shiny.  The
     cluster can be rotated by holding down the left mouse button and
     moving the mouse.  These two programs can be placed in and out of
     stereo mode by pressing the middle mouse button.  Simple_stereo will
     be rendered in stereo by the X-server.  This is a software
     implementation of stereo in a window for machines that do not have
     the quad-buffering graphics hardware found on the Reality Engines.
     The routine simple_stereo_re will invoke the Reality Engines
     quad-buffers to render the stereo image in a window.
     Caveat:  Because the OpenGL libraries do not currently support the 
	      getmonitor command the state of the monitor cannot be 
	      saved before placing the monitor in stereo mode. To return
	      the display back to normal viewing the programs 
	      (simple_stereo and simple_stereo_re) invoke setmon -n 72HZ 
	      to bring the display out of stereo mode.  If your display 
	      cannot be set to the 72HZ refresh rate change 72HZ in the 
	      source to 60HZ and recompile by typing make.
              The program simple_stereo can only be run on a PI with GR2
	      graphics, an Indigo (XS-24, XZ and Elan) an Indy and
	      an Indigo2 that are running IRIX 5.2 or later.  An error
	      message that you would receive if you ran it on an early version
	      of IRIX is: "xxxx:simple_stereo: rld: Fatal Error: attemped
	      access to unresolvable symbol i\n simple_stereo: 
	      XSGISetStereoBuffer."  Here xxxx is the process id.

	      The program simple_stereo_re can be run only on a 
	      Reality Engine running 5.1 or later.  If you were to run
	      it on a non-Reality Engine you would receive the error:
	      "Error: GLwMDrawingArea: requested visual not supported."

     Neal A. Neuburger, Ph.D.
     Member of Technical Staff
     Chemical Applications

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